Assignment Identification

The scope of your assignment analysis and the parameters around which you want to report the data will be the driving factors in determining which contextual features of the assignment you want to capture. While these are not content elements of the framework, the information collected in this section will shape what comparisons you are able to make across multiple assignments. Basic information, such as the course or subject, grade, etc., should be captured. For purposes of a blind analysis, you may also consider giving each assignment a unique identification number in place of the teacher’s name.

Guiding Questions

  • Will the collected assignments cover multiple courses, teachers, or grade levels?
  • Is it important for individual teachers to remain anonymous?

Questions for Analysis


What is the assignment identification number?

  • These are a few sample characteristics you may want to collect for each assignment. Consider the purpose of your analysis and how you hope to report the data before determining which features of the assignment you want to capture. You may also want to give each assignment a unique identification number for analysis purposes.

Which subject area or course does this assignment come from?
What is the grade level of this assignment?
Does this assignment come from an honors course?

  1. No

  2. Yes

Is the assignment an exam or quiz?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  • Typically, an assignment will be labeled as an exam or quiz in the title. This component can sometimes prove to be a useful data point when comparing the rigor of classroom assignments and classroom assessments. It is safe to assume the assignment is not an exam or quiz unless otherwise indicated.

Which best describes the length of the assignment?

  1. Short/brief task that is completed in 15 minutes or less (e.g., Do Now, warm-up, Exit Ticket, journal reflection)

  2. A task that is completed within one to two class periods (e.g., lab, extended discussion)

  3. A task that is a long-term, ongoing assignment completed over the duration of multiple weeks (e.g., research paper, project)

  • Use your best judgment to determine how long it will take students to complete the task. Consider the amount of reading and/or writing a student must do in order to complete the assignment.

Is the task part of a long-term, ongoing project that is completed over the duration of multiple weeks (e.g., students peer review a draft of writing)?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  • While assignments may cover similar topics or use the same materials over multiple days, this does not necessarily mean that these assignments are part of a long-term project.