

Hugs it to his body on the long city bus ride to school.
His teacher is the only one he’ll show it to, unzipping the pack just a bit to reveal the light inside.
Each day he shows him a little bit more.


… like the little sister she drops off at school each day before making her way to class.
From a classroom in the one-stoplight town, her teacher helps her dream of the world beyond.
Of pyramids and oceans, faraway countries and cultures.
She wants to see them all someday.
Her teacher tells her she can.

… across neighborhoods and bus lines, borders and deserts.
Sending their sons and daughters off to school each day.
Risking and sacrificing so that their children can have better opportunities than they had.


… a sea of potential cresting toward the future.
Whispering promises of equality and opportunity, freedom and self-determination.
Entrusted to the dream-keepers to nurture and grow.
Mending tears and igniting potential.
Teachers and principals, counselors and coaches.
Cradling the dreams of a nation in their hands.

MLKTreatedOn this Dr. King Day, Ed Trust honors educators across the country working to bring the dreams of a nation and its children to fruition.