In this sixth episode of Ed Trust’s new podcast, EdTrusted, Ed Trust’s writer-in-residence Karin Chenoweth and P-12 director of practice Dr. Tanji Reed Marshall talk with five students and three superintendents about the accusation that schools are indoctrinating children with “divisive concepts,” which is how state legislators around the country have characterized critical race theory. “We’re talking about culturally responsive teaching. That’s the CRT that we’re focused on, not all that other stuff that people are out here trying to hijack,” said one.
Joining Tanji and Karin are:
- Dr. Mark Bedell, superintendent, Kansas City, Missouri
- Dr. Luvelle Brown, superintendent, Ithaca, New York
- Dr. Tricia McManus, superintendent, Winston-Salem Foryth County, North Carolina
- Avery, a student from Maryland
- Zoe, a student from Kentucky
- Zack, a student from Kentucky
- A third student from Kentucky
- A student from San Antonio, Texas
Please note that we are not providing identifying details for the students. The debates around “critical race theory” have gotten so nasty and vituperative that we did not want in any way to provide an avenue for some to threaten or harm young people. It is notable that Dr. Bedell and Dr. Brown both said they and their families have been threatened because of their outspokenness.