In these quarterly reports, we showcase the progress that EdTrust, along with our partners, is making to promote education equity and excellence for students of color and students from low-income backgrounds in various states and across the nation.
October 2024 Report
A Bold Vision for Education Equity and a Bold New Look
Welcome to the bold new look of EdTrust! First and foremost, I’m proud to unveil our rebrand — a yearlong effort to ensure that our brand identity reflects EdTrust’s bold vision for education equity. In these turbulent times, we believe it’s important to be bold with our advocacy so that, together, we can protect our nation’s students and uphold democracy. As part of our rebrand, we have reformatted this booklet to summarize all our efforts in just a few pages. And, as you’ll see, this summer was chock-full of activity and advocacy.
Highlights of Our Latest Work
Reports, Briefs, Campaigns
Blog Series
Representation in Books
Digital Report
Reassessing ESSA Implementation: An Equity Analysis of School Accountability Systems
A Vision for Equitable Pathways: Enhancing Support and Innovation in College and Career Counseling
Navigating the Better FAFSA
In the Media
EdTrust’s work was featured in numerous media outlets including EdWeek, Vox, ABC News, Boston Globe, Chalkbeat and the Detroit Free Press.
For more media coverage, see our In the News section.
On the Blog
Recent blog posts featured on our website include:
Campus Racial Climates Amid Student Protests: Keeping Students of Color Safe
Sounding the Alarm on Black Girls and School Discipline
Why DEI Programs Matter to College Students
A Policy Roadmap That Steers Students of Color to Success, Pre-K Through College
State Offices
Amid a tight budget cycle, EdTrust-Midwest and partners in the Michigan Partnership for Equity and Opportunity (MPEO) scored significant fair-funding wins following a multipronged advocacy and legislative campaign. As a result of their efforts, Michigan’s FY 2025 School Aid budget invests an additional $83 million in the Opportunity Index, championed by ETM and partners, bringing the total investment this year for students from low-income backgrounds to over a billion dollars. ETM and coalition partners’ efforts also secured a $10 million increase for English learners.
MidwestNew York
In August, EdTrust-New York responded to the release of statewide assessment data, noting that it lacked disaggregation by student subgroups and sufficient details on district and school outcomes. We urged the state to increase data transparency, provide timely information to parents, and take action to improve student outcomes.
This year, Gov. Kathy Hochul requested a review of New York’s Foundation Aid Formula, the main source of state funding for schools. EdTrust-New York testified at public hearings that the formula, which relies on outdated information and greatly impact students from low-income backgrounds and communities of color, needs updating. Our testimony included recommendations to reform the formula with a focus on equity and transparency.
New YorkTennessee
EdTrust-Tennessee’s founding executive director, Gini Pupo-Walker, stepped down after nearly five years. We are excited that Alexza Barajas Clark, Ph.D., the founding chief of staff, will serve as interim executive director and provide the continuity and direction needed to move our work forward. In preparation for the upcoming legislative session, we created a new resource to help advocates understand the education issues at stake in Tennessee’s 2024 elections. Our team has also been meeting with education leaders, students, advocates, and policymakers across the state. At stops in Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, Jackson, and Nashville, we’re listening to top education equity concerns and strengthening our partnerships.
EdTrust-West has been actively convening partners across California. In September, we hosted the fifth annual Education Equity Forum, the largest gathering of education equity advocates in the state. This year, 500+ attendees gathered in Oakland to exchange ideas, network, strategize, and get inspired! After delivering a morning keynote address, executive director Christopher J. Nellum led an impactful conversation with Nikole Hannah-Jones, Pulitzer Prize-winner and New York Times best-selling author. For more on EdTrust-West’s accomplishments, visit edtrustwest.org/impact.
WestIn the States
EdTrust in Louisiana
In July, we were awarded the Excellence in Education Award by the College Board for our commitment to expanding college opportunities for students, and the Zakim Award from Team Harmony for our work with Amplify LA, which elevates youth voices in our community.
EdTrust in Massachusetts
Our recent collective advocacy efforts have yielded substantial wins in the FY25 state budget, including a new $20-million line item to address the growing literacy crisis and increased funding and policies to support the recruitment and retention of educators from diverse backgrounds. We’ve also continued to influence statewide conversations around equitable access to postsecondary opportunities, leading efforts to inform the implementation of new higher education initiatives, and drawing attention to the need for more progressive financial aid approaches.
EdTrust in Texas
At the House and Senate interim hearings, we presented research and recommendations to address the state’s alarming rise in uncertified teachers, improve assessment, strengthen early literacy skills, increase participation in advanced middle school math, and bolster postsecondary completion through the state’s new community college finance formula.
On the Hill
EdTrust maintained a strong presence on Capitol Hill and at events with federal partners this summer, playing a leading role in numerous briefings and speaking engagements. Denise Forte moderated a panel on artificial intelligence (AI) featuring thought leaders, advocates, and Congress members, which emphasized the importance of AI literacy in education and positioned Denise as a leading voice for education equity in this area. In addition, Eric Duncan, director of P-12 policy, spoke about gun violence prevention and the need for safe, and inclusive school climates.