Trends in State ESSA Plans
Strong school accountability systems can send a clear message that the achievement of all groups of students matters and…
Classroom Assignments Matter. Here’s Why.
As a former classroom teacher, coach, and literacy specialist, I know the beginning of the school year demands that educators pay attention to a number of competing interests. Let me…
Trends in State ESSA Plans: Defining Away Low Performance for Groups of Students
When is performance for a group of students so low that it requires attention and action? This is one of the critical questions that states have to answer as they…
Hold the Applause: Trends Out of Initial State ESSA Plans
At last count, 12 states and the District of Columbia have submitted plans to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act to the U.S. Department of Education for review and approval.…
Evidence-Based Strategies for Improvement: What Are They, and Where Can I Find Them?
Although the Every Student Succeeds Act leaves a lot of decisions about how to improve struggling schools to schools and districts, the law is quite clear that the strategies leaders…
For Equity-Oriented State Leaders: 9 Ideas for Stimulating School Improvement Under ESSA
s state education leaders redesign their school accountability systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), there’s been a…