Category: School Funding

What School Leaders Can Do To Promote Racially Just Management of Funds and Operations

article-cropped October 10, 2023 by Kimberly Sterin, Ph.D.

As a middle and high school English teacher in a large public school district, I witnessed firsthand that there are many other adults in schools and districts whose beliefs —…

District Budget Woes Likely Means School Closures: Here’s What Advocates Need to Know

article-cropped September 21, 2023 by Qubilah Huddleston

With school now in session, some school districts that are struggling financially — largely due to the drying up of federal pandemic funds, higher costs, and lower student enrollment — have been deciding…

What Advocates Should Know About the ESSER Fiscal Cliff

article-cropped August 28, 2023 by Everton Blair

Did you know that the federal ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) stimulus funds for public K-12 schools are running out soon? The deadline for spending down the funds…

Advocating for Education Equity as ESSER Spending Winds Down

files August 22, 2023 by EdTrust

New Ed Trust brief on how school emergency relief fund investments can have long-term, positive outcomes for underserved students.

Refocusing on Resource Equity Provisions in ESSA Can Spur School Improvement Efforts

article-cropped July 31, 2023 by Nicholas Munyan-Penney

As our advocate partners know well, students of color and students from low-income backgrounds are significantly more likely to attend schools with fewer resources than their White, more affluent peers.…

The Importance of Equitable and Adequate School Funding for English Learners

article-cropped May 12, 2023 by Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

I have been involved in the topic of school funding with an emphasis on English learners since my doctoral dissertation. I was fortunate to be trained by Dr. Ruben Espinosa,…

Addressing Chronic Absenteeism

article-cropped March 16, 2023 by Hedy Chang

Chronic absenteeism has long been a problem and it is unfortunately on the rise. Before the pandemic, 8 million students were deemed chronically absent. But once schools began to close…

Rethinking Layoff Policies to Protect Teacher Diversity

article-cropped March 07, 2023 by Eric Duncan, J.D.

The “national teacher shortage” has dominated news headlines for months now, with states and districts investing resources toward ensuring that vacancies are filled. States have invested their COVID-relief funds in…

Worried About Unfinished Learning? Ask Your District Leaders to Invest in Equitable Solutions Using ARP Funds

article-cropped December 20, 2022 by Eliza Kritz

By now, it’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately disrupted learning for students of color and students from low-income backgrounds. With the recent release of the 2022 NAEP…