Category: Students We Serve

Could the Emerging Use of A.I. in Schools be the Next Digital Divide?

article-cropped November 03, 2023 by Letisha Marrero

The development of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is emerging at lightning speed — so much so that the Biden administration just issued its first ever A.I. executive order regarding safety, labor,…

Joint Letter to the Department of Education on Intersectional Student Supports

newspaper August 07, 2023 by EdTrust

July 11, 2023 The Honorable Miguel Cardona Secretary of Education United States Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 Download PDF Dear Secretary Cardona: Over the last…

Teranga Academy: Social, Emotional, and Academic Development as an Integral Part of Refugee Education

article-cropped July 21, 2023 by Manny Zapata

When I was in elementary school, I held onto this idea of getting good grades so I could go to a good college and eventually get a good job. But…

Raising the Bar for Students Through Multilingual Education

article-cropped April 17, 2023 by Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos, Ofelia Garcia, Eugene Garcia

The U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recently laid out his three education priorities for the year: Promote academic excellence Improve conditions for learning for all students and Prepare all…

Fugees Family: Offering Education Opportunities for Immigrant and Refugee Students

article-cropped April 10, 2023 by Manny Zapata

Mauwa is a seventh-grade student at Teranga Academy, a school district partnership between Fugees Family and Bowling Green Independent Schools in Kentucky, where immigrant and refugee teens are provided up…

Teaching Tolerance Amid Contentious Turbulence

article-cropped January 23, 2023 by Letisha Marrero

As the parent of a Black and Latino LGBTQ+ teenager, I worry for my child’s safety more now than when he was a fragile newborn or a precocious toddler. There…

Speaking Out and Showing Up for LGBTQ+ Students

article-cropped April 21, 2022 by Blair Wriston, Bonnie Washick

Last month, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which prohibits educators from teaching children in kindergarten through third grade about sexual orientation or gender…

How Schools Can Support Refugee Families and Students

article-cropped October 13, 2021 by Wing Yi (Winnie) Chan

The indelible images of Afghans hanging onto the wings of American airplanes at Kabul Airport and Haitians being whipped while attempting to cross the Rio Grande river have ignited intense…

Learning from the LGBTQ+ Community

article-cropped July 14, 2021 by Letisha Marrero, Nancy Duchesneau

Every June, corporations, organizations, schools, and even the White House make bold rainbow-filled statements about and gestures toward the LGBTQ+ community. But too often, these words ring hollow — unmatched…