On May 7th, The Education Trust, Digital Promise, the Migration Policy Institute, and the National Center for Learning Disabilities co-hosted a webinar on Helping All Students Access Learning Opportunities During School Closures.

The webinar centered around The Education Trust and Digital Promise’s new guide to help equity advocates and district leaders as they engage in conversations about ensuring students, particularly our most vulnerable students, have equitable access to distance learning. Depending on public health guidance, districts may need to continue distance learning for the summer and parts of the next school year.

In many communities, students do not have consistent access to their own devices or reliable, high-speed internet to connect to distance learning opportunities. Low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately experiencing the health and economic impacts of the pandemic. There is a real risk that school closures will deepen existing inequities in our education system. e full

Watch the full webinar and find additional resources below.