Since the Texas Commission on Community College Finance last met in June, members are now working to finalize their report for approval at their last meeting on October 18 before delivering it to the legislature.

For this recap, a special thanks to to Student Advisory Council member Brendan Batchelder for sharing his perspective on the commission’s work! You can view slides and watch a recording of the recap below.

Want to stay up-to-date and active in efforts to improve community college finance in the upcoming legislative session?

  • Sign up for updates from The Education Trust in Texas using the form to the right.
  • Follow the work of the Student Advisory Council and help ensure policy is informed by the lived experiences and advocacy of Texas students.
  • Join the Texas Postsecondary Advocates Coalition for Equity (PACE) meets monthly! Email for meeting and membership inquiries.
  • Sign up for action alerts from the Aim Hire Texas Policy Coalition, a non-partisan statewide partnership of business and education organizations advocating for strategic and data-driven community college finance reform in the upcoming legislative session. Visit or text AIM to 50457.

Catch Up on All the Recaps