Andrew Howard Nichols Higher Education Research Fellowship
Andrew Howard Nichols, Ph.D., senior director of higher education research and data analytics at The Education Trust, passed away after a tough battle with cancer in early 2021. Shortly thereafter, Ed Trust’s Board of Directors decided to honor Dr. Nichols’ legacy by establishing the Andrew Howard Nichols Higher Education Research Fellowship.
Justice Fellows Policy Program
Central to our work is elevating the voices of individuals who are directly impacted by the legal system. That’s why we’ve launched the inaugural Justice Fellows Policy Program, which centers around a vibrant and nurturing community of directly impacted, formerly incarcerated individuals who have overcome the odds and attained their bachelor’s or master’s degree, created programs and organizations for the formerly incarcerated community, engaged in state legislative advocacy efforts, and more.
Higher Education Data & Research Internship Program
The Higher Education Research Internship Program aims to train and build a diverse cohort of equity-minded data analysts and researchers to grow the field of higher ed policy research.