A Seat at the Policymaking Table: Supporting the Advocacy of Ed Prep Leaders at Minority-Serving Institutions`
This scan is intended to guide conversations with district board members and administration leaders to ensure their policies and practices lead to improved College, Career, and Military Readiness outcomes for students.
’Segregation Forever?’: The Continued Underrepresentation of Black Undergraduates at the Nation’s 122 Most Selective Private Colleges and Universities
Ed Trust researchers examined Black student enrollment in 2000 and 2020 at some of the nation’s most selective four-year private colleges and universities to follow up on earlier research they did in 2020.
How Mental Health Supports Impact Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)
Millions of students across the country, especially students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, and students with disabilities, lack access to critical school-based mental health services.
College and Career Readiness District-Level Policy Scan
This scan is intended to guide conversations with district board members and administration leaders to ensure their policies and practices lead to ...
The Search for More Complex Racial and Ethnic Representation in Grade School Books
In a study of 300 children's books, Ed Trust identified large disparities in characters and topics describing White people vs. people of color in curricula
Advocating for Education Equity as ESSER Spending Winds Down
New Ed Trust brief on how school emergency relief fund investments can have long-term, positive outcomes for underserved students.
How Certain States Are Supporting Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)
Social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) is a holistic approach to supporting students’ development and learning that is integral…
Parent PLUS Loans Are a Double-Edged Sword for Black Borrowers
Approximately 43 million Americans collectively owe $1.5 trillion in federal student loan debt, but students aren’t the only ones…
5 State Policy Recommendations Fostering STEM Aspirations for Students of Color in Middle School
Math and science are for everyone. But unfortunately, many students, and especially Black and Latino students, don’t receive that…