§103.1407. Requirements for the Six Primary Functions of the Safe and Supportive School Program.
SSSP Function 1: Promoting a positive school climate.
For school climate to accurately and consistently reflect climate across schools and districts, there should be one state school climate survey that can be augmented with local items. If this is not feasible, students and personnel should be represented or otherwise participate in selecting the survey used to reflect their experiences of school climate. Resulting survey data should be disaggregated by demographic groups whenever possible without sacrificing the anonymity of respondents and reported publicly. Requiring the disaggregation of data will illuminate discrepancies between student and personnel groups and support the continuous improvement needed to improve positive school climate and target interventions for impacted groups.
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(b)(1) Each school district or open-enrollment charter school shall select a utilize the school climate survey from a list provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and annually implement the survey for school personnel, students, and parents.
INSERT (b)(3). Climate survey results from students and families shall be disaggregated by race, gender, income status (FRLP), English-learner status, and special needs designations.
INSERT (b)(4) Climate survey results from school personnel shall be disaggregated by race, gender and ability.
(b)(46) Climate survey results shall be reviewed by the SSSP team serving each school to help inform planning for the SSSP, including the behavioral threat assessment process, the multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), and staff training. School climate survey results shall be publicly reported for each school in a way that is disaggregated by race, gender, income status (FRPL), English-learner status and special needs designations.
SSSP Function 2: Establishing an MTSS.
The MTSS rules reflect a comprehensive approach to supporting schools that would benefit students most with the incorporation of non-exclusionary and culturally competent practices when engaging with students and families.
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(c)(6)(E) procedures to support the return of a student to school following hospitalization or residential treatment for a mental health condition or substance abuse that do not further exclude or prevent from receiving services or supports while they are not physically in school; and
(c)(10)(E) includes culturally competent practices for integrating student, community, and family engagement into developing and implementing the MTSS comprehensive service delivery plan, including but not limited to language translation services, implicit bias training, and home visits;
(c)(10)(G) provides equitable access for teachers, parents and guardians, and students through transparent referral pathways for accessing available services and supports, including but not limited to language translation services, implicit bias training, and home visits;
(c)(10)(I) uses data to evaluate the impact of the SSSP, prevention, intervention, services, and supports on students and the school climate, making appropriate adjustments based on data, utilizing the dashboard and ongoing training to effectively analyze data and make appropriate adjustments;
(c)(10)(M) provides students and families annual written notice of what the policies and practices are, and the resources available to them.
(11) An MTSS must comply with TEC, §26.0081(d).
(12) An MTSS must comply with federal and state law for special education for students with disabilities, including Child Find, educational placement, and disciplinary procedure requirements.
SSSP Function 3: Conducting Behavioral Threat Assessments.
Behavior threat assessments need to ensure that SSSP teams conduct appropriate assessments of students and that the collected data reflects the efficacy of SSSP teams. A recommendation of a multidisciplinary approach, non-exclusionary practices, cultural competency, and disaggregation of data will ensure that students are equitably served via the behavior threat assessment.
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(d) SSSP Function 3. Conducting behavioral threat assessments. The SSSP team shall conduct behavioral threat assessments on harmful, threatening, or violent behaviors, including assessing behaviors identified in TEC, §37.115;.
(1) The SSSP team shall not rely on a list of generalizable characteristics which can unfairly label and over-identify a student as violent or potentially dangerous;
(2) The SSSP team shall use a multi-step intervention model to analyze the context, type, and severity of potential violent acts;
(3) The SSSP team shall limit referral to law enforcement;
(4) The SSSP team shall refer a student for a full and individual initial evaluation if a member of the SSSP team suspects that the student might have a disability and a need for special education; and
(5) The SSSP team shall coordinate with the student’s admission, review, and dismissal committee for review or consideration of a behavioral intervention plan based on a current functional behavioral assessment.
(6) The SSSP team shall ensure compliance with disciplinary and placement requirements for a student with a disability.
(7) Data collected via the behavior threat assessments shall be disaggregated by student groups
SSSP Function 5: Collecting data to continuously improve.
Data collection strategies could be improved by disaggregating collected data and creating a school climate dashboard that allows districts and schools to assess the degree to which SSSP teams are effectively implementing student supports.
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INSERT (f)(4) To support SSSP teams in completing their annual review, TEA will create a school climate dashboard that consolidates relevant, available and disaggregated data from districts and schools and provide training in research-based best practices in program evaluation and continuous quality improvement. The dashboard will include data from behavior threat assessments, school climate surveys, and other evidence-based indicators, including but not limited to discipline rates, chronic absenteeism, police interactions, and mental health incidences.