Statement from Denise Forte, interim CEO of The Education Trust, on the extension of the universal free meals program through the summer

“We are pleased to see a bipartisan agreement to prevent food insecurity for millions of children this summer. While the Keep Kids Fed Act does not go far enough to make sure that students who face hunger — particularly, students of color and students from low-income backgrounds — have consistent and equitable access to high-quality, nutritious meals while we are still amid a pandemic, this legislation is a critical first step toward ensuring that no student goes hungry over the summer. Far too many children face hunger during the summer months, and this action will provide students with continuous access to food while school is out.

“With the nationwide child nutrition waivers set to expire on June 30, the U.S. Senate should pass this legislation immediately, and Congress and the Biden administration should continue to work together to extend the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) nationwide waiver authority through the 2022-23 school year and to make long-term improvements to ensure students have access to healthy meals when they return to classrooms in the fall.”