Statement from John B. King Jr., president and CEO of The Education Trust, on the department’s announcement on the borrower defense and gainful employment regulations
WASHINGTON (06/14/17) – Today, John B. King Jr., president and CEO of The Education Trust, issued this statement on the announcement that the U.S. Department of Education will convene negotiated rulemaking committees to revise the gainful employment and borrower defense regulations and delay the implementation of the borrower defense regulations:
“The Department of Education’s decision to revise the gainful employment and borrower defense rules and delay the implementation of the existing borrower defense rule is deeply worrisome and wrong. These rules were put in place to protect taxpayers and students — particularly low-income students and students of color — who are most likely to be taken advantage of by unscrupulous institutions. This action indicates, yet again, that this department is abdicating its responsibility to students and taxpayers.”