Getting to college is generally a cause for great celebration. But unfortunately, many college students start their college journey without ever earning their degree. Ed Trust analyzes campus racial climates and factors like food insecurity, homelessness, and other barriers that college students face while attending college. We also examine what student success looks like for Black students and Latino students at colleges and universities and offer solutions to ensure that their futures remain bright.
Student Representation & Success
- Identifying Top- & Bottom-Performing Institutions
Student Success Practices
- Bright Spots: How 2 Universities Built a Diverse Student Body
- A New Near-Peer Coaching Program Strives to Keep Incoming Freshmen on Course
- College Completion Strategy Guide
Campus Racial Climate
- Segregation Forever?: The Continued Underrepresentation of Black & Latino Undergraduates at the Nation’s 101 Most Selective Public Colleges & Universities
- Hard Truths: Why Only Race-Conscious Policies Can Fix Racism in Higher Education