Reassessing ESSA Implementation: An Equity Analysis of School Accountability Systems

School accountability systems should ensure all students have necessary resources. EdTrust finds many states’ reporting isn’t equitable.

files September 18, 2024 by Nicholas Munyan-Penney, Abigail Jones, Shayna Levitan
young students sitting at a desk doing schoolwork

Executive Summary

EdTrust believes that states’ school accountability systems should be designed and implemented to ensure all students have access to high-quality learning experiences by identifying schools producing the lowest outcomes for students and providing these schools with the additional resources and supports they need to improve, while providing all schools with data that can inform resource allocation and continuous improvement efforts. However, our recent review of publicly available information on state accountability systems reveals that states have a long way to go in realizing the promise of leveraging these systems to support school improvement and, ultimately, better opportunities for all students.

First, we find that states have a mixed record on centering equity in how they rate schools and identify them for improvement. We see a similar trend in state reporting systems with the most room for improvement needed in framing accountability data with asset-based language and making it easier for users to compare data across schools and districts. Most concerningly, though, we find that states are largely failing to connect their school identification process to robust systems of support to improve outcomes for students — with little evidence that states are effectively implementing key federal provisions designed to support school improvement. Despite these worrying trends, we’ve identified some promising practices in various states and made recommendations about how these practices can be scaled or affirmed through changes to federal policy.

This interactive, digital report  outlines the principles we believe states should be using to uphold federal requirements and deliver on their promise to support and strengthen schools, close opportunity gaps, and improve outcomes for all students. Our analysis 1) identifies trends in state systems connected to these principles; 2) highlights promising practices in states that we believe other states should emulate; and 3) provides federal recommendations based on our analysis of states’ current systems.


young students sitting at a desk studyingWith its passage in 2015, the Every Students Succeed Act (ESSA) gave states substantial flexibility in designing their school accountability systems. The previous version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), No Child Left Behind (NCLB), set an ambitious goal of having every student in the country achieving on grade level by 2014, but left many state leaders and school educators feeling unsupported and unfairly punished for not reaching the federal government’s inflexible, unattainable, and one-size-fits-all goal.1

Additionally, the law’s singular focus on grade-level proficiency failed to account for the dramatically varied needs of different schools’ student populations and the attributes that make a high-quality school.2

Despite its flaws, NCLB forced states, districts, and schools to focus — for the first time — on the performance of all students by requiring states to identify schools for improvement, not simply based on averages, but on the performance of each student group. This was an incredible victory for equity, and ESSA kept key aspects of NCLB that centered student equity, including the requirement that states continue to assess all students’ performance against challenging academic standards every year.

The hope for ESSA was that this important focus on student groups — especially students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, student with disabilities, and multilingual learners3 — would be maintained, while allowing states to expand the definition of school quality by considering academic growth, rather than just achievement, and giving schools credit for the other ways they help set students up for success.

In 2017, following the US Department of Education’s approval of state plans for implementation, an EdTrust review of state plans revealed that, disappointingly, many states were redesigning their accountability systems in ways that still obscured how schools are serving individual groups of students — for example, many states were assigning ratings to schools based predominantly on schoolwide averages and/or setting a very low bar for identification of schools in need of supports for improvement.4

As we approach the 10-year anniversary of the law’s passage, EdTrust has undertaken a new review of states’ approaches to federal school accountability, many of which are shifting in response to the school closures and unfinished learning from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing engagement with communities. This analysis of state ESSA plans looks at the federal government’s important role in school accountability and reexamines states’ plans against the equity principles that grounded our original analysis, in the context of recent research on implementation, and with an eye toward how states are implementing school improvement provisions in the law and publicly reporting data on school performance. 5

Key Takeaways

The results of our analysis weren’t reassuring. While state leaders look beyond test scores to evaluate schools and have incorporated student growth indicators into their accountability systems, our findings show they still aren’t doing enough to center the performance of underserved student groups and move all students forward:

States have a mixed record of centering equity in school ratings and identification. Most states measure growth in ways that don’t focus on moving students toward meeting grade level standards. Additionally, states haven’t used federal flexibility to include the performance of student groups in school ratings. Although most states are adequately considering student group performance when identifying schools for improvement, only about half are leveraging the school identification process to ensure that schools with disparities in student outcomes have access to needed state and federal supports.

States have a lot of room for improvement in building accessible and actionable reporting systems. About half provide stakeholders with summative ratings — which can send clear signals about school quality — and a similar share lets users compare schools on their state school report card websites. Few states, however, enable comparisons among similar schools and by student demographics, which would go a long way toward helping stakeholders understand how to improve schools, and only a handful of states frame the data in a way that highlights schools’ strengths and underscores that it’s the school system’s responsibility to meet the needs of all

States have largely failed to leverage school improvement provisions in federal law. No state has set exit criteria for identified schools that ensure that schools are effectively making meaningful and sustainable progress toward improved student outcomes. And most states have also failed to clearly outline how they will support and intervene when schools don’t meet exit criteria. Additionally, while ESSA contains provisions that give states flexibility in supporting districts to identify and understand resource inequities — which are key for driving school improvement — most states have used it to abdicate responsibility. Finally, while most states publish information about how they are using federal school improvement funds, more research is needed to understand the extent to which these funds are supporting schools’ efforts to address student needs. Each of these provisions are crucial to ensuring the data from accountability systems leads to real changes in resources, policy, and practice. If states, districts, and schools are not using data to identify and address inequities, these systems are not fulfilling their main purpose: to improve meeting the needs of all students.

Fortunately, there are actions federal and state policymakers can take to strengthen schools, close opportunity gaps, and improve student outcomes. This report highlights the need for school accountability and better data; the role of government at the federal, state, and local levels in setting expectations, supporting schools, and holding schools accountable, and improving student outcomes; and outlines EdTrust’s vision for school accountability systems. It also provides a framework that states can use to advance equity in their accountability systems.

Why We Need Federal School Accountability

Capitol buildingThe purpose of public education is to provide students with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed after high school; the ability to access and complete a postsecondary education, pursue a fulfilling career that earns a living wage, and meaningfully participate in our democracy. All students can succeed when provided with the resources and supports to achieve. Yet, generations of students — particularly students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, students with disabilities, and multilingual learners — have been systematically denied equitable access to these educational opportunities — inequities illuminated and exacerbated by the pandemic. Federal accountability requirements are designed to ensure parents, communities, system leaders, and policymakers can better understand which schools and districts are struggling to meet students’ needs and have student group disparities, and — most importantly — use this information to target additional resources and supports to address these needs.

How School Accountability Systems Work

Government Roles & Responsibilities Under ESSA

Our Vision for School Accountability Systems 

To understand whether ESSA is being implemented in ways that center equity, we looked at states’ most recent ESSA plans, as well as their SEA and school report card websites. While states may be doing more than what’s outlined in these public sources — particularly around supporting school improvement — they provide a window into how states are structuring their accountability systems.

In alignment with EdTrust’s equity principles for accountability, school improvement, and reporting, published in 2019, 9 we believe states can center equity in their school accountability systems by:

Principle #1: Design and use indicators in state accountability systems that keep student learning front and center

Principle #2: Develop school ratings that reflect how schools are serving all groups of students

Principle #3: Establish criteria that honestly identify which schools need to take steps to improve overall or for one or more student groups

Principle #4: Report disaggregated accountability information in a way that is understandable, easily accessible, and widely available

Principle #5: Provide meaningful support to schools that need to improve

Federal Policy Recommendations

Capitol buildingIn this report, EdTrust lays out considerations and recommendations for strong, equitable accountability systems that we believe states should be striving toward under the current federal framework. As we move closer to federal reauthorization of ESSA, Congress should also consider changing federal law and accompanying supports to require and incentivize states to more clearly center student equity and continuous improvement in their accountability systems. Additionally, the findings from our analysis of state plans, taken holistically, can inform potential changes to federal policy that may require or incentivize states to develop accountability systems that align with our recommendations for states. Based on our findings, EdTrust believes that the federal government, either through an eventual reauthorization of ESSA or via administrative action, should take the following five actions:

Set minimum n-size requirements. Many states have minimum n-size (i.e., student sample size) requirements that are higher than necessary and, as a result, exclude students from certain subgroups from consideration in school ratings and identification. Setting a federal required minimum of 10 would allow more students to be “seen” by accountability systems and yield better data about student subgroup performance. Similarly, the Department of Education should consider issuing guidance that highlights ways in which states could produce more accurate information about student group performance in school ratings, such as the best practices highlighted in this report.

Provide clear, specific requirements for school identification based on student group performance — potentially removing an identification category. Our findings clearly indicate that many states are not leveraging the flexibility of current school identification processes to create an effective early warning system based on school group performance, and most states are not evaluating student group performance in ways that set high expectations for all students. Setting clear requirements for states during reauthorization would create consistency across states and ensure that underserved students are getting access to the supports they need. Consolidating TSI and ATSI into a single identification category based on student group performance, in conjunction with clearer requirements, could refocus states on more clearly identifying and supporting this group of schools, while also eliminate confusion among stakeholders.

Set specific, rigorous expectations for exit criteria for identified schools and next steps for schools that fail to meaningfully improve. Most states set low performance bars for exiting school identification status and don’t require schools to raise the performance of their lowest performing students and/or fail to ensure schools make sustainable changes to school policies and practices that can be sustained over time. Moreover, many states fail to clearly outline how they will address perpetual low performance. Reauthorization should provide clear, consistent requirements for states on defining exit requirements and next steps for schools that don’t exit, and incentivize states to make long-term, sustainable changes to school practices that can lead to meaningful improvements in student performance. Additionally,, the Department of Education should take steps now to require states to more clearly enumerate their plans for these provisions.

Increase federal monitoring and require state reporting of ESSA school improvement provisions. While states can use resource allocation reviews and school improvement funds as levers to address the needs of identified schools, the lack of transparency, federal monitoring, and technical assistance limits their utility. Addressing these issues could go a long way toward increasing their effectiveness. Additionally, Congress should substantially increase the amount of funding dedicated to school improvement and strengthen the language around resource allocation reviews to mandate state participation. In February 2024, EdTrust submitted comments to the Department of Education urging it to use the Comprehensive Center network to support states in implementing these provisions and supporting school and district leaders in their improvement efforts

Issue guidance and share best practices in accountability reporting. A recent investigation by Education Reform Now 10 found that many states are slow to update their sites and fail to include disaggregated data, despite a federal requirement that they do so. The Department of Education could support clearer data reporting by sharing best practices from state websites that have better disaggregation (above and beyond federal requirements) and data comparison functionality and enable the types of analyses that are useful for starting conversations about school improvement.

Findings & State Policy Recommendations

Our examination of each of the key questions below, which are based on the framework outlined above, lays out considerations and recommendations for strong, equitable accountability systems that states should be striving for under the current federal law. Such systems should ensure that all students are fully seen by school rating and identification systems, while leveraging federal provisions to support school improvement and providing clear and transparent information on school performance.

Key Question 1: Are states designing and using indicators in their state accountability systems that keep students front and center?

To understand how states are centering student learning, we focused on three main aspects of school ratings: how states are measuring growth on academic assessments, how these growth measures are being weighted in school ratings, and how states are using additional “school quality and student success” (SQSS) indicators to expand the definition of school quality.

Measuring Academic Growth

Weighting Academic Growth in Elementary & Middle Schools

Expanding Definitions of School Quality

Bright Spots in the States

Key Question 2: Do school ratings reflect how schools are serving all groups of students?

One of the biggest accomplishments of NCLB was its laser focus on individual student groups. Schools were no longer able to obscure the low performance of Black students or students with disabilities behind averages. School ratings and identification were directly tied to the performance of each student group. In the transition to ESSA, states are still required to assess all students, disaggregate data, and identify schools with very low performance by student groups, but states now have more leeway in how they ensure that all students and student groups are “seen” by their accountability system.

In our review of state plans, EdTrust examined the extent to which student groups are seen by looking at the number of students in any student group required for inclusion in a metric (or n-size), how states incorporate student group performance into school ratings, and the use of “supergroups” that combine multiple student groups together for the purpose of school ratings.


Student Groups in School Ratings



Bright Spots in the States

Key Question 3: Are states establishing criteria that honestly identify which schools need to take steps to improve overall or for one or more student groups?

Under ESSA, states are required to identify schools for improvement. These schools fall into three categories: comprehensive support and intervention (CSI) — which are the lowest performing schools based on schools’ overall ratings — and targeted support and intervention (TSI) and additional targeted support and intervention (ATSI) — which are schools identified as in need of support based on the performance of individual student groups. TSI and ATSI are important categories because they look beyond the overall strong performance of all students, which can hide opportunity gaps, and allow states to identify schools that have one or more student groups that aren’t getting the supports and services they need to succeed, and provide targeted resources to them.

School Identification Process Under ESSA

Bright Spots in the States

Key Question 4: Are states reporting accountability information that is understandable, easily accessible, and widely available?

Equitable accountability systems must be transparent and report information on the performance of schools in ways that are accessible and understandable, so members of the community can clearly see how schools are serving all students. This will go a long way toward establishing trust with community members and empowering them to co-create changes in how schools and districts meet the unique needs of all students.

Additionally, strong reporting systems clearly highlight areas of strength and areas where improvement is needed, so state and national leaders can provide resources for school improvement, instead of solely placing the responsibility on districts, schools, and educators. Strong reporting systems should be easily accessible to the public; provide clear, understandable, and comparable data; and use asset-framing when presenting data.

Accessibility and Clarity of State Report Cards


Bright Spots in the States

Key Question 5: Are states providing meaningful support to schools that need to improve?

As we’ve noted, how states choose to rate and identify schools in their ESSA accountability systems has important equity implications. Yet if the goal is for accountability systems to enable low-performing schools to improve, ratings and identifications are necessary but insufficient to achieve this goal. While states must identify low-performing schools and assess their needs in order to set clear expectations and provide the guidance, technical assistance, and resources they need to improve — much as a doctor must diagnose a sick patient before treating them —identification is but the first step in treating CSI, TSI, and ATSI schools, which are the lowest performers in a given state. However, every school — especially those that technically fall above identification thresholds but are not adequately serving all students — should be supported to make improvements.

Within ESSA, there are various provisions that, when implemented well, can support effective school improvement. As a part of our analysis, we examined how states set the criteria by which schools may exit status as needing improvement and the types of interventions required when schools identified for improvement and support don’t make progress. We also looked at publicly available information about how states are using their Title I school improvement funds and how they are leveraging the required resource allocation review process.

Exit Criteria

More Rigorous Interventions

School Improvement Funds

Resource Allocation Reviews

Bright Spots in the States


Data collection was completed between September and December 2023, and each state’s data was reviewed by two EdTrust staff members. Data included states’ most up-to-date ESSA plans, including pending redlined versions for states amid active revisions to their plans, and a review of state education department websites. Internal validation was done to ensure that accurate data was collected for each state. Once data was collected for a state, both researchers compared their data and discussed any discrepancies. After data collection and internal validation was completed, we sent a form with the data we had collected to each state department of education for verification and gave them an opportunity to make edits and provide additional information and resources. Between January and March 2024, 29 states responded with comments. States that did not respond were sent follow-up emails. We had specific questions for seven states, so those states were contacted by phone. We also met with officials from two states throughout the process to discuss comments and recent changes that are reflected in this report. The comments of the 29 states from which we received feedback were integrated into our ESSA plan data and are reflected in our analysis. However, it should be noted that many states are still updating their plans, and changes that were made after March 2024 are not reflected in the data. Additionally, our review of state supports for school improvement was limited to a search of publicly available information on SEA websites. Therefore, states may be providing substantial additional supports that are not included in our analysis.


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2 Kamenetz, A. (2014). It’s 2014. All Children Are Supposed To Be Proficient. What Happened? National Public Radio. Available at:

3 While ESSA uses the term “English Learners,” EdTrust prefers to refer to this student group as “multilingual learners” because this language acknowledges that students’ native language skills are an asset in their learning and development.

4 Ushomirsky, Natasha., Smith, Andy., Bommelje, Samantha. (2017). Trends in State ESSA Plans. The Education Trust. Available at:

5 U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2024). K-12 Education: Education Could Enhance Oversight of School Improvement Activities. Available at:

6 Riley, D.L.,  Meredith, J.,  Butler, A.N. (2019). State Responsibilities and Opportunities for School Improvement Under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Policy Studies Associates & The Council of Chief State School Officers;  United States Government Accountability Office (2024).

7 U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2024).

8 Resource Allocation Reviews: A Critical Step to School Improvement. The Education Trust. Available at:

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