Series: Extraordinary Districts

Special Edition: ExtraOrdinary Districts Need Extraordinary School Leaders. How Do We Get More of Them?

microphone April 12, 2018 by Ed Trust

One of the key lessons that emerged in Education Trust’s podcast, “ExtraOrdinary Districts,” is that improvement requires leadership at the school level.

Special Edition: ExtraOrdinary Districts Need Extraordinary School Leaders. How Do We Get Them?

article-cropped April 12, 2018 by Karin Chenoweth

Education Trust’s podcast, “ExtraOrdinary Districts,” illustrated that: school leaders who believe in the capacity of all children, no matter what their background, are critical to improving schools; and school leadership…

ExtraOrdinary Districts: Season 1, Episode 4: Chicago, Illinois

microphone November 13, 2017 by Ed Trust

One of the districts that surprised Sean Reardon the most is Chicago – the nation’s third largest district with about 400,000 students.

ExtraOrdinary Districts: Chicago Part 3 – On the Ground

article-cropped November 13, 2017 by Karin Chenoweth

Chicago Chief Education Officer Janice Jackson states that Chicago’s principal-development strategy is directly correlated to its improving graduation rates and test scores. Here, we visit the high school that she…

ExtraOrdinary Districts: Chicago Part 2 – Stumbling Toward Some Answers

article-cropped November 13, 2017 by Karin Chenoweth

How would Chicago school district know what worked and what didn’t? With foundation help, the University of Chicago launched the Consortium on School Research, where research superstars spent years studying…

ExtraOrdinary Districts: Chicago Part 1 – Nowhere to Go But Up

article-cropped November 13, 2017 by Karin Chenoweth

In 1987, U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett flew into Chicago, declared it the “worst” school district in the country, and flew home, leaving Chicago residents stunned and angry. They…

ExtraOrdinary Districts: Season 1, Episode 3: Steubenville, Ohio

microphone November 06, 2017 by Ed Trust

What are they doing in Steubenville do be so high performing in elementary school? And how are they addressing the fact that their students don’t continue to perform at the top of the country as they move into secondary grades?

ExtraOrdinary Districts: Steubenville Part 3 – Tackling the Secondary Drop-off

article-cropped November 06, 2017 by Karin Chenoweth

Although Steubenville’s third and fourth graders perform toward the top of the country, achievement tails off in fifth grade heading into middle school. We hear from Steubenville’s educators what they’re…

ExtraOrdinary Districts: Steubenville Part 2 – A Program in Service of a Vision

article-cropped November 06, 2017 by Karin Chenoweth

Back in the late 1990s, Ohio adopted a law that said that fourth graders who couldn’t pass a reading test would have to be retained. Steubenville educators realized that some…