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Jinann Bitar

Director of Higher Education Research and Data Analytics

Jinann leads an ambitious, innovative effort directed at advancing the opportunity and equity agenda at colleges and universities. She manages and carries out the organization’s higher education research and analytical work, supports the policy work through data modeling and thought partnership and works with teams of researchers, analysts, collaborators, and consultants to create original research tools and products.

Prior to joining The Education Trust, Jinann worked in higher education research and policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and the American Council on Education, equipping higher education leaders and policymakers with the information they need to make data-driven decisions. Before moving to Washington DC, Bitar worked and studied at several public universities, including the University of Montana, UC Davis, and UCLA.

Jinann holds a master’s degree in public administration and a bachelor’s degree in communication studies from the University of Montana. On her quest to PhD, she obtained her master’s degree in education and is currently a doctoral candidate in Higher Education and Organizational Change at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Bubble tea

What are people most surprised to learn about you?
I keep 100 hangers in my closet. If I have more clothes than hangers, then something has to go!

Why are you passionate about working at Ed Trust?
I see too many brilliant students who don’t have the support they need to actualize their talents and thrive. I know education, particularly a bachelor’s degree, can be an economic engine for change and I want to be a part of that conversation – our students are waiting.

Jinann Bitar

Author Archives

Understanding the Full Cost of Short-Term Credentials

November 19, 2024 by Jinann Bitar, Sandra Perez, Sabreyna Reese, Mia Elliott

Interest in short-term credentials is surging but their value is mixed. More research is needed to assess their effectiveness.

Profile in Education Equity: Aneesh Sohoni, CEO, One Million Degrees

April 29, 2024 by Jinann Bitar

Jinann Bitar, director of higher education research at EdTrust, recently talked with Aneesh Sohoni, CEO of One Million Degrees (OMD), a leader in bolstering college completion rates and accelerating community college students' economic mobility.

Why STEM Equity Must Address the Experiences of Women of Color

July 24, 2023 by Brianna Wright, Olivia Gunther, Jinann Bitar

Studies show that having a diverse academic faculty benefit students, who see themselves and their career aspirations represented, and leads to better student outcomes in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and…

Faculty Diversity and Student Success Go Hand in Hand, So Why Are University Faculties So White?

December 01, 2022 by Jinann Bitar, Gabriel Montague, Lauren Ilano, Ph.D.

Faculty diversity plays a key role in college student completion and can have a major impact on students’ sense…