Student Loans Are a Labor Issue
Canceling student loans is front and center in the national discussion because coalitions like The Debt Collective and Movement for Black Lives put it there. As a part of a…
To Tackle the Black Student Debt Crisis, Target the Racial Wealth Gap
It is well documented that Black students borrow more for college and have higher rates of nonpayment and default. Among college graduates, the average Black borrower has more than $7,000…
Can Debt Relief and Investment in HBCUs Level the Playing Field for Black Students?
From our nation’s founding to the present, government-sponsored and supported policies have relegated Black Americans to the outskirts of mainstream society. Since the first Africans were forcibly brought, in 1619,…
Black Students Hold Too Much Debt, and the Way Out Includes More and Better Career Counseling
Student loan debt is a major concern. Recent estimates suggest that the national student loan debt level is nearly $1.5 trillion, with the average college undergraduate graduating with about $30,000…
There’s a Black Student Loan-Debt Crisis and It Needs an Urgent Solution. How About Reparations?
Here are some examples of why, after more than a decade of research into their involvement with slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, a handful of universities are beginning to…
State-Federal Partnerships May Be the Key to Reducing Black Student Debt
Black students disproportionately rely on student loans to finance higher education. In addition to being more likely than their peers to take out student loans in the first place, Black…
The ‘Black Tax’ Is Key to Understanding and Solving the Black Student Debt Crisis in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
It’s no secret that Black people must work harder and pay more to receive the same benefits and opportunity as their White or non-Black peers. This phenomenon is commonly known…