Tag: English learners

Joint Letter to the Department of Education on Intersectional Student Supports

newspaper August 07, 2023 by EdTrust

July 11, 2023 The Honorable Miguel Cardona Secretary of Education United States Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 Download PDF Dear Secretary Cardona: Over the last…

The Importance of Equitable and Adequate School Funding for English Learners

article-cropped May 12, 2023 by Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

I have been involved in the topic of school funding with an emphasis on English learners since my doctoral dissertation. I was fortunate to be trained by Dr. Ruben Espinosa,…

Raising the Bar for Students Through Multilingual Education

article-cropped April 17, 2023 by Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos, Ofelia Garcia, Eugene Garcia

The U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recently laid out his three education priorities for the year: Promote academic excellence Improve conditions for learning for all students and Prepare all…

Fugees Family: Offering Education Opportunities for Immigrant and Refugee Students

article-cropped April 10, 2023 by Manny Zapata

Mauwa is a seventh-grade student at Teranga Academy, a school district partnership between Fugees Family and Bowling Green Independent Schools in Kentucky, where immigrant and refugee teens are provided up…

3 Ways to Improve Educational Outcomes for English Learners in P-12 Schools

article-cropped November 14, 2022 by Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

Like a growing number of students in the U.S., I learned English as a second language. My parents brought me to the United States from Mexico at the age of…

A Snapshot of English Learner Student Performance During the Pandemic

article-cropped September 28, 2022 by Jazmin Flores Peña

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive disruptions to student learning, as well as statewide assessments. Students have faced barriers to learning and engaging in schools, which has resulted in decreased…

How Schools Can Support Refugee Families and Students

article-cropped October 13, 2021 by Wing Yi (Winnie) Chan

The indelible images of Afghans hanging onto the wings of American airplanes at Kabul Airport and Haitians being whipped while attempting to cross the Rio Grande river have ignited intense…

Action Guide: Targeting Resources from the American Rescue Plan to Address the Needs of English Learners

compass May 26, 2021 by The Next100, UnidosUS, EdTrust

For more than 15 months, students, families, and educators across the country have been adjusting to new ways of…