Student Loan Payments Are Restarting. Here’s What Borrowers Need to Know
This month, federal student loan repayment is restarting for 43 million Americans. The student loan system is coming back online at a time when record-high inflation has dramatically increased the…
American Families are Ignored as House Careens Toward Shutdown
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 29, 2023 CONTACT: 202-731-9582 Statement from Augustus Mays, Vice President for Partnerships and Engagement of The Education Trust, on the House’s looming failure to fund the…
How Borrowers Should Prepare for Student Loan Payments to Resume
After a three-year pause, student loan payments will resume in October. The timeline for payments restarting was part of negotiations for the debt-limit deal that recently was passed by Congress.…
How the Supreme Court Decision Blocking Student Loan Forgiveness Affects Black Women Like Me
On two consecutive days in June, the Supreme Court delivered devastating blows to federal education equity efforts aimed at helping students of color and students from low-income backgrounds earn their…
The Education Trust’s Comment on the Department of Education’s Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Student Debt Cancellation
July 20, 2023 Vanessa Gomez, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 2C179 Washington, DC 20202 RE: [Docket ID ED-2023-OPE-0123] Download Comments On behalf of The Education Trust,…
Stop Playing Political Games with America’s Future
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2023 CONTACT: 202-731-9582 Statement from Augustus Mays, Vice President for Partnerships and Engagement for The Education Trust, on the Fiscal Year 2024 House Labor-HHS-Education…
Student Advocates in Texas Play a Major Role in Passing of Community College Finance Law
In Texas, a new law has passed that will change the game for community college students in the Lone Star State. The bi-partisan passage of House Bill 8 (HB8), authored…
5 Things Equity Advocates Should Know About…. Changes to the FAFSA for Fall 2023
The new FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), has been delayed until December 2023. As a…
The Pell Grant Makes College More Affordable–But It’s Only a Sliver of the True Cost of Attendance
High school seniors are starting to get their acceptance letters, their financial offerings from colleges across the country, and that’s definitely a cause for celebration. However, amid all these seemingly…