Can’t Be Erased Campaign Toolkit
At the state and local level, decision-makers across the country continue to issue book bans and look for other means to restrict students’ access to honest history and a diversity of voices.
EduReimagined: EdTrust’s Vision of Education Equity
EdTrust envisions a nation where education is a priority, and our collective goal is to ensure every student — regardless of race, identity, or economic background — can achieve excellence.
Sow, Nurture, Thrive: Cultivating Inclusion from Pre-K to College
Social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) addresses the whole child/student, which means taking a holistic approach to supporting students within a positive school climate that creates learning spaces where students feel emotionally and mentally safe to be their authentic selves.
Can’t Be Erased
In recent years, there has been an overwhelming push toward the erasure of important aspects of American history when it comes to issues of race and identity from school curricula across the country.
Black History Can’t Be Erased
As we celebrate Black History Month, Ed Trust asks, what stories are educators allowed to tell students about Black history?