Why an EdTrust rebrand/redesign?
After nearly three decades of education advocacy, it’s time to be bold and speak out to push for the changes needed to realize education equity. Our new logo, colors, and fonts were selected carefully to be reflective of our brand. It’s a bold and sophisticated look that embodies our bold vision of creating an ideal education system for all students, especially for students of color and students from low-income backgrounds. But there are also some youthful elements to our design to underscore that we remain student focused.
The impetus behind this redesign was the need to create an updated website that is modern, easy to read and user-friendly. All our important work is now easy to with find the latest items on our homepage, and it’s easy to search for what you’re looking for through tags and a powerful search engine.
Also, as part of our brand identity, we now go by our nickname, EdTrust — one word, capital E, capital T, no space. It’s what you already know and love us as, so we thought we’d make it official.
How does the homepage work?
Our new homepage is built to dynamically display the newest content first, so it will always be “in the now” with the latest releases, blog posts, resources, and press releases. You will always be able to find EdTrust’s latest work here and browse all our resources by clicking the button on the right of each section.
How do I find content?
All our signature data and policy recommendations will be housed and searchable under an umbrella called “Research, Tools & Insights.” Through a powerful search engine, the content you’re looking for will be easy to find by clicking on tags. Choose a topic through the pulldown on the tag, and you will be served up every piece of content we have on that topic—reports, briefs, guides, etc. You can then sort by content type or date to narrow your search. You can also use the search bar to search for content using keywords.
How do I search for blog posts?
When you go to Our Blog, the most recent content will be displayed in chronological order. If you are searching for a particular blog post or series, choose a topic and/or date range.
How do I search for press releases and statements?
When you go to our Press Room, the most recent content will be displayed in chronological order. If you are searching for a particular press release or statement, choose a content type and/or date range.
How far back can I search?
With the exception of our most seminal work, the content that has migrated from the old site to the new site will date back to 2017. Older data will be archived.
What is happening with the tools?
Some of our tools will remain as is for now with the old branding while we determine a longer-term strategy for data presentation and functionality.
What is EdTrust in the States?
This dropdown menu shows all the states where EdTrust has a presence. When you click on a state button, you will be taken to that state’s website or webpage.
How can I contact a staff member?
Please go to our Contact page and fill out the form. Be sure to select a topic that summarizes what your message is about so it will be forwarded to the right person, who can get back to you in a timely manner.