Category: Black & Latino Students

Students of Color Aren’t Broken; Systems, Practices & Policies Are

newspaper August 06, 2020 by EdTrust

Social-emotional and academic development must be addressed through a race-equity lens, according to new research by The Education Trust WASHINGTON (August 6, 2020) – After months of distance learning, unfinished…

Graduation Rates Don’t Tell the Full Story: Racial Gaps in College Success Are Larger Than We Think

article-cropped March 05, 2020 by Andrew Howard Nichols, Marshall Anthony Jr.

“Student success” is a popular buzz phrase, but it means different things to different people. College and university administrators tend to measure student success on the basis of graduation rates.…

Black and Latino Students Shut Out of Advanced Coursework Opportunities

newspaper January 09, 2020 by EdTrust

Ed Trust Identifies the Barriers That Keep Black and Latino Students Unequally Represented in Advanced Coursework WASHINGTON – Black and Latino students across the country have unequal access to advanced…

The Importance of High-Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) for Black and Latino Children

article-cropped November 21, 2019 by Carrie Gillispie

Two recent studies, one about the state-funded Tennessee Voluntary Pre-K program and another from the University of Chicago, have breathed new life into the ongoing discussion around the value of…

No State Provides Both High-Quality and High-Access State-Funded Preschool for Black and Latino 3- and 4-Year-Olds

newspaper November 06, 2019 by EdTrust

Of the 26 states analyzed, 13 states enrolled fewer than one-quarter of their Latino children in state-funded preschool programs, and 10 states enrolled fewer than one-quarter of their Black children…

Young Learners, Missed Opportunities

files November 06, 2019 by Carrie Gillispie

High-quality early childhood education (ECE) is important to the rapid development that happens in the first five years of…

Trends in Enrollment and Degree Equity at Public Four-Year Colleges: 2001-2016

article-cropped October 22, 2019 by J. Oliver Schak

According to our recent Broken Mirrors reports and web-based State Equity Report Card, few states are doing enough to ensure that their public two- and four-year colleges enroll and graduate…

The Education Trust Commends House for Passing FUTURE Act, Calls on Senate to Follow Suit

newspaper September 18, 2019 by Denise Forte

If signed into law, the FUTURE Act would ensure continued federal funding for historically Black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions WASHINGTON (September 17, 2019) – Today, Denise Forte senior vice…

Broken Mirrors

files video September 11, 2019 by J. Oliver Schak, Charlie Bentley, Andrew Howard Nichols, Wil Del Pilar, Ph.D.

Como entidades exentas de impuestos y respaldadas por los contribuyentes, las universidades y los institutos superiores públicos de EE.…