If signed into law, the FUTURE Act would ensure continued federal funding for historically Black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions
WASHINGTON (September 17, 2019) – Today, Denise Forte senior vice president for partnership and engagement at The Education Trust, issued the following statement on the passage of the Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education, or FUTURE, Act (H.R. 2486) in the U.S. House of Representatives, which ensures continued funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and minority-serving institutions (MSIs):
“The Education Trust commends the House for passing the FUTURE Act, which ensures funding that our nation’s HBCUs and MSIs rely on to educate millions of students who want to learn and excel in a culturally rich environment.
“These institutions of higher education, which serve an outsized share of the nation’s college students of color and students from low-income families, are essential to providing college access for millions of students, increasing educational attainment, and providing the surest path to socioeconomic mobility. We are pleased that the House of Representatives has taken this important first step toward guaranteeing that critical funding for HBCUs and MSIs will not be disrupted.
“The U.S. Senate should act quickly to pass the FUTURE Act and send it to the President for his signature before the end of this fiscal year.
“The Education Trust looks forward to Congress turning its attention to a comprehensive reauthorization of the Higher Education Act with the urgency and bipartisanship that was reflected in the House passage of the FUTURE Act. Students and families are eager for Congress to address the challenges of affordability, completion, and accountability that exist in our higher education system.
“The Education Trust has called for substantial investments in Pell Grants for students from low-income families, student supports to increase college completion, a full repeal of the ban on Pell Grants for students who are incarcerated, and strong protections to ensure that all postsecondary educational programs are high quality and any bad actors are held accountable. We are ready to work with leaders in Congress to put these student-centered priorities into law.”