Category: College Enrollment & Access

HBCU Enrollment is on the Rise. But On-Campus Housing is Scarce. Black College Students Demand Solutions

article-cropped July 27, 2022 by Yemisi Badmus

According to a recent New York Times article, Black students across the nation have been flocking to historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to find a college experience that feels like…

What Proposition 16 Means for Higher Education in California

article-cropped October 28, 2020 by Lawrence Haynes, Yvonne Muñoz

Voters are heading to the polls in droves, not only to elect the next president, but in California, to decide on Proposition 16. This would remove the ban on affirmative…

Top public colleges say, “Black Lives Matter,” but do they enroll Black — or Latino — students?

July 21, 2020 by EdTrust

Ed Trust calls on the nation’s 101 most selective public colleges to finally reflect U.S. racial diversity Washington – While the COVID-19 pandemic and the killings of Breonna Taylor, George…

Segregation Forever?

files July 21, 2020 by Andrew Howard Nichols

While the COVID-19 pandemic and the police killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Rayshard Brooks have shined a…

Can Debt Relief and Investment in HBCUs Level the Playing Field for Black Students?

article-cropped April 16, 2020 by Ashley Harrington

From our nation’s founding to the present, government-sponsored and supported policies have relegated Black Americans to the outskirts of mainstream society. Since the first Africans were forcibly brought, in 1619,…

Thoughts From a Former College Admission Officer in the COVID-19 Era

article-cropped March 23, 2020 by Wil Del Pilar, Ph.D.

Amidst increased anxiety over a global pandemic, parents and students alike are frantically adjusting to the new reality of school shutdowns, online learning, cancellation of standardized tests, library closings, the…

How College Application Fees Are Barriers to College Access

article-cropped March 11, 2020 by Marshall Anthony Jr.

Being one of a few people in my family with a college degree, I am often called on to support family members, friends of the family, and even friends of…

Hard Truths

files January 15, 2020 by Tiffany Jones, Andrew Howard Nichols

Despite the popular belief that affirmative action gives Black and Latino students an unfair advantage, these students are still…

Leaders Who Ignore Race in Higher Education Perpetuate Racial Injustice

newspaper January 15, 2020 by EdTrust

Ed Trust Argues Only Race-Conscious Policies Can Fix Racism in Higher Education WASHINGTON – As we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., it’s a time to…