Creating Accountability for College Access and Success: Recommendations for the Higher Education Act and Beyond
There are not many issues that the public and policymakers from diverse backgrounds and political beliefs can agree on,…
Does Black Representation in Public Colleges & Universities Mirror the State’s Black Population?
In Too Many States the Answer Is No, According to New Ed Trust Research WASHINGTON — With few exceptions, public colleges and universities are enrolling and graduating too few Black…
To What Extent Do Top Colleges Enroll (or Not Enroll) Latino Students?
In a previous blog, I examined colleges that are often referred to as emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions or emerging HSIs for short, which enroll between 15 to 24 percent Latino students.…
A Closer Look at Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions
As an alumnus of a top-ranked and predominantly White college with little racial, ethnic, or socio-economic diversity, I have often wondered how many institutions like mine have or have not…
University Enrollment in Puerto Rico Prior to Hurricane Maria: Lessons from Katrina
With mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension, I arrived in Puerto Rico this summer — excited to see family and friends and relax on the beach; nervous about witnessing firsthand…
Closing the Latino-White Completion Gap
As Congress gets ready to tackle the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, a new Ed Trust report shows the need to prioritize completion rates for students of color WASHINGTON…
Debunking 5 Myths about Affirmative Action
Less than two years after the Supreme Court upheld the Fisher vs. University of Texas case on affirmative action, the Trump administration nevertheless continues to threaten race-based affirmative action, chipping…
Dear White People: We’ve Always Had Affirmative Action
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”—Gloria Steinem Dear White People, Days ago, I, like many of you, watched in horror the vile display…