Category: Emotional and Academic Development

How Mental Health Supports Impact Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)

files September 27, 2023 by Blair Wriston, Nancy Duchesneau, Manny Zapata

Millions of students across the country, especially students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, and students with disabilities, lack access to critical school-based mental health services.

Cultivating a Supportive and Inclusive School Environment

article-cropped September 12, 2023 by Denise Forte

With the back-to-school season underway across the country, now is the time for our community of advocates for education equity to join together and support students, parents, teachers, and faculty…

How Does Tennessee Support Students Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)?

files May 09, 2023 by EdTrust

Social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) is a holistic approach to supporting students' development and learning that is integral…

How Does Massachusetts Support Students Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)?

files May 09, 2023 by EdTrust

Social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) is a holistic approach to supporting students' development and learning that is integral…

A School Environment Can Positively (or Negatively) Affect a Student’s Mental Health

article-cropped May 09, 2023 by Denise Forte

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. For some time, educators have known that more focus should be placed on the social emotional wellbeing of students — the whole child —…

How Does Texas Support Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)?

files April 12, 2023 by EdTrust

Social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) is a holistic approach to supporting students' development and learning that is integral…

How School Discipline Impacts Students’ Social, Emotional and, Academic Development (SEAD)

files April 06, 2023 by Blair Wriston, Nancy Duchesneau

Last year, Mississippi schools used corporal punishment 4,300 times — and the impact affects more than the students experiencing…

Black Joy Consortium for Reimagining Education 2023 Platform Priorities

files April 04, 2023 by EdTrust

The Black Joy Consortium is aligned to a vision for a reimagined education system that fully prepares Black students…

Why America’s Students Need Social and Emotional Learning Now, More Than Ever

article-cropped March 10, 2023 by EdTrust

Students continue to face a troubling array of challenges — ranging from school shootings to racial discrimination to housing and food insecurity — all amid an ongoing pandemic. A 2022…