Category: Emotional and Academic Development

State-by-State Review Shows Many States Lack Policies to Support Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

newspaper February 17, 2022 by EdTrust

As the pandemic continues to take a toll on both the social-emotional well-being of students as well as student learning, a new state-by-state review of policies shows where states are…

Ensuring Safe and Supportive School Climates in Texas

compass November 10, 2020 by EdTrust

Disparities in opportunities to learn have left thousands of Texas students — particularly Black, Latino, and students from low-income backgrounds — disconnected from school.

COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: Supportive School Climates That Foster Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

compass October 29, 2020 by EdTrust

Existing research shows that all learning is inherently social and emotional, and resources that support the holistic development of…

COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: Expanding Learning Time

compass October 29, 2020 by EdTrust

Increasing time and attention for students based on their needs can significantly boost learning for students who are behind.…

COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: Teacher Equity and Diversity

compass October 29, 2020 by EdTrust

Teaching quality can impact student learning more than any other in-school factor, especially for students who are further behind.…

COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: Equity-Driven Approaches To Measure Student Learning

compass October 29, 2020 by EdTrust

COVID-19 has not only widened existing educational disparities – e.g., in access to strong and diverse teachers, a high-quality…

COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: Graduation and College and Career Readiness

compass October 29, 2020 by EdTrust

Curriculum and instructional materials that are aligned to high standards, appropriately challenging for students’ grade level, and culturally responsive…

COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: Digital Access

compass October 29, 2020 by EdTrust

Across the country, many districts and schools have moved learning completely or partially online for at least the fall…

COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: School Funding

compass October 29, 2020 by EdTrust

Research shows that increased school spending leads to higher graduation rates, higher wages, and a reduction in adult poverty,…