Part 1: Recruitment, Retention, and Support
Join Conra D. Gist (University of Houston) Travis J. Bristol (University of California – Berkeley), and Eric Duncan (The Education Trust) for this first in a series of webinars on the importance of having an ethnoracially diverse educator workforce and how to make it happen.
For part one, we’ll feature a panel of education researchers from around the country who contributed to Kappan’s recent special report “Building a More Ethnoracially Diverse Teaching Force: New Directions in Research, Policy, and Practice”. Panelists will share their deep content expertise on the importance of recruitment, retention, and support of teachers of color.
Panelists will include:
- Margarita Bianco, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Denver
- Rita Kohli, Associate Professor, University of California – Riverside
- Desiree Carver-Thomas, Research & Policy Analyst, Learning Policy Institute