
In our mission to advocate for a high-quality education for all students, pre-K through college, EdTrust hosts events to inform, empower, and learn from policymakers, educators, advocates, and families.

Here, you can learn about our upcoming events or browse through our past events for summaries, videos, and related materials.

13 Oct

Reimagining How we Make School Spending Decisions

In this session, participants will learn how equity-oriented school spending data can inform school funding decisions being made…
13 Oct

Understanding Power in Your Region: A Better Way of Powermapping

Participants will take a deep dive into power mapping: Participants will become familiar with what we mean by…
13 Oct
01:00 PM

Policy Advocacy for the School Principals Our Students Deserve

Participants will build their understanding of the importance of school principals and the kinds of state policies that…
15 Apr

BREAKOUT SESSION: Asset-Based SEAD Policies and Practices to Support Students Returning to In-person Learning

The past year has been ripe with narratives about how students are struggling socially and emotionally, experiencing trauma,…
15 Apr

BREAKOUT SESSION: Justice Fellows Policy Program Leading the Work with Justice Impacted Individuals

In this session, participants will hear from Ed Trust’s Justice Fellows on the issues impacting justice-impacted students. We…
15 Apr

PLENARY: A Celebration of 2020 Advocacy in the States and Closing Remarks

Thank you for joining us for Ed Trust’s April 2021 Equity Matters Bootcamp. As we come to a…
14 Apr

Focus on the 87th Texas Legislative Session – Equity Matters Bootcamp

During both days of Ed Trust’s virtual Bootcamp on April 14-15, we focused our time together as Texas…
24 Jun
07:00 PM

In Their Voices: Students Speak with Secretary Cardona

Hear student panelists from Michigan, New York, and Tennessee in a conversation with Secretary Cardona on June 24…
22 Jul

Now What? Using Federal Aid for an Equitable Education Comeback

Now that the federal government has distributed billions of dollars in aid to states and school districts affected…