EdTrust at the Texas Legislature

compass January 14, 2025 by EdTrust
A shot of the Texas State capitol ceiling

EdTrust in Texas is driven by a bold vision: a future where every Texas child has the freedom to chase their dreams in classrooms that are safe, supportive, and led by skilled educators from diverse backgrounds. We imagine public schools that are well-resourced and accountable to the communities they serve—where parents and schools work together to empower students to achieve their full potential through college or career pathways that open doors to economic opportunity and strengthen Texas’ workforce. To bring this vision to life, we partner with trusted allies across the state, amplifying the voices of students, educators, and families —especially those often excluded from the policymaking process. We evaluate every policy, practice, and dollar through one unifying lens: what is best for students.

The 89th Texas Legislative Session (2025)

During the 89th Texas Legislative Session (2025), EdTrust in Texas will advocate for the following policy priorities.

89th Legislative Priorities

For each of these priorities, here is a selection of our collective advocacy:

Invest in Proven Solutions to Improve Student Outcomes

  • Expand the Early Education Allotment to include PreK students and provide schools with more resources to build strong academic foundations prior to 3rd grade.
  • Increase the Compensatory Education Allotment and remove barriers for schools to participate in the Additional Days School Year (ADSY) program to provide high-impact tutoring and more time to accelerate student learning and close widening gaps.
  • Expand the Teacher Incentive Allotment to include additional educators, increase compensation levels, and support strategic staffing models to retain our best teachers and incentivize them to teach where students need them most.

Expand and Incentivize High-Quality Teacher Preparation

  • Establish a teacher residency allotment to increase access to this hands-on certification pathway with proven impact on student outcomes and early career retention.
  • Support seamless teacher apprenticeship pathways by integrating Grow Your Own programs, expanding the Mentor Program Allotment, and defining credentials that create clear progression points into the profession.
  • Adjust salary schedules to clearly signal to candidates the value of rigorous preparation and early career persistence, while ensuring all teachers receive additional compensation.
  • Waive teacher exam and certification fees to help reduce financial barriers to candidates seeking to complete their preparation.

For HB 2 – Teacher Preparation – 3/4/25: The Education Trust’s Texas State Director Jonathan Feinstein testified before the Texas House Public Education Committee in favor of House Bill 2. Feinstein noted that teacher quality is the most significant in-school factor impacting student success. “If our goal is to improve outcomes for students, there is no investment more necessary, strategic, or impactful than the quality and effectiveness of our state’s teachers.”

Read the testimony

For HB 2 – Teacher Preparation – 3/4/25: Residency completer and elementary school teacher Kailey Lambert testified before the Texas House Public Education Committee in favor of House Bill 2. She spoke about the need to invest in high-quality teacher preparation.

Read the testimony

Strengthen Early Foundations in Reading and Math

  • Require regular screening, identification, and progress monitoring for K-3rd graders and the delivery of targeted, evidence-based intervention to struggling students.
  • Increase access to high-quality instructional materials, professional development, and instructional coaches, with a focus on the state’s lowest-performing schools and those with the highest concentration of under-prepared teachers.

Equip Parents and Families with Reliable Information

  • Require prompt notification of K-3 screening results to help parents understand their child’s reading and math progress, accompanied by effective, easy-to-use resources to support learning at home and at school.
  • Eliminate the option for Districts of Innovation to waive parental notification for uncertified teachers and establish a searchable permit for parents to access certification status.
  • Maintain the state’s system of summative annual assessments while continuing to pilot innovations with the potential to produce more timely and actionable information.
  • Ensure A-F ratings are released and that the state’s accountability system remains focused on academic performance and rewards postsecondary outcomes.
  • Define chronic absenteeism and require more frequent reporting of attendance-related data to drive engagement with disconnected students and families.

Improve Postsecondary Success for All Texans

  • Ensure continued investment and implementation of House Bill 8 (88R), the state’s new outcomes-based funding formula for community colleges, to maximize postsecondary success for all students, especially high-need groups.
  • Increase investment in state financial aid programs to improve affordability and completion for more Texas students from low-income backgrounds, especially those transferring from community colleges.
  • Support parenting students by including them on the priority list for access to the Child Care Services program and ensuring their non-tuition costs are calculated accurately.
  • Improve access, attainment and reentry success for incarcerated students by transferring administration and management of postsecondary programming to Windham School District. Ensure institutions receive assistance and clear criteria for program approval and that data systems are in place to monitor their performance.

88th Texas Legislative Interim Charges and Hearings (2024)

88th Texas Legislative Session (2023)