While students of color make up more than 50% of the K-12 public school student population, teachers of color comprise less than 20% of the teacher workforce. Access is also an issue: 40% of the nation’s public schools do not have a single teacher of color, and in many states, Black and Latino students attend schools without a single teacher who matches their race or ethnicity.
Students of color and students from low-income backgrounds are also four times more likely to attend schools with larger percentages of uncertified and inexperienced teachers. Given the importance of a strong and diverse teacher workforce, students of color and students from low-income backgrounds are being severely underserved, resulting in increased discipline referral rates, lower graduation rates, and less access to advanced coursework and college- and career-ready educational opportunities.
Ed Trust works with a diverse range of partners to develop resources to inform state policymakers and education advocates about the causes and offer potential solutions to achieve a strong and diverse teacher workforce. We have also engaged some of the nation’s best teachers of color to share their voices on ways states, districts, and schools can better train and support Black and Latino teachers.
Educator Diversity
- Is Your State Prioritizing Teacher Diversity?
- Educator Diversity State Profiles
- If You Listen, We Will Stay
- Profile in Education Equity: Devin Morris, Cofounder and Executive Director of The Teachers’ Lounge
- How States Are Using Federal Funds to Solve Teacher Shortages
- Is There Really a Teacher Shortage? Some Perspective and a “Challenge”
- One Solution to the Teacher Shortage: Tapping into the After-School Pipeline
- Joint Letter to U.S. Department of Education Concerning Implementation of Educator Preparation Programs
- Teachers Shouldn’t Have to Be Afraid to Teach Honest History
- Educator Diversity: Why It Matters & How to Make It Happen
- Educator Diversity: Development, Identity, & Impact
- Educator Diversity: Recruitment, Retention, & Support
- A Natural Fit: Supporting After-School Staff of Color in Teacher Pipelines
- The Urgency of Anti-Racist Classrooms
- One Million Teachers of Color
- Resource Equity Guidebook: Teaching Quality & Diversity
- Resource Equity Guidebook: School Leadership Quality & Diversity
School Counselors
Educator Equity
- Addressing Teacher Shortages in the Short Long Term
- Lessons Learned Avoiding Inequitable Teacher Layoffs
- Getting Latino Students Better Access to Non-Novice Teachers
- Getting Black Students Better Access to Non-Novice Teachers
- COVID-19 Education Equity Guide: Teacher Equity and Diversity
- 5 Things to Advance Equity in Access to Strong and Diverse Educators