Frelimo “Omari” Amili is a father of six and program manager with a Seattle-based nonprofit called Choose 180. Following his conviction on 30 felonies related to bank fraud, Omari was released from prison and climbed his way up from a GED to earning a master’s degree. Since graduating, he has used his voice to change the narrative and introduce new possibilities for individuals from backgrounds like his.
Interests at the intersection of higher education and the criminal legal system?
“I am interested in using my story and the stories of others to introduce possibilities for individuals currently and previously incarcerated. I also have interest in working with youth who have been impacted by the system in recognizing their potential and tying academic success to a future they may have never imagined for themselves. I want to help products of the school-to-prison pipeline enter the prison-to-college pipeline.”
Expectations or goals for the Fellowship?
“I expect to learn, grow, and develop while making a positive impact on society as a whole.”