ESSER Spending and Pandemic Recovery: Where Do We Go From Here?
The deadline for school districts to decide how they will spend any remaining federal pandemic-relief funds is September 30.
Worried About Unfinished Learning? Ask Your District Leaders to Invest in Equitable Solutions Using ARP Funds
By now, it’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately disrupted learning for students of color and students from low-income backgrounds. With the recent release of the 2022 NAEP…
A School District Guide to Advocating for Equity in American Rescue Plan Spending
Since March 2021, school district leaders have been developing and implementing plans to spend their “ARP dollars,” that is,…
How Advocates Can Ensure American Rescue Plan Funding Goes to the Students Who Need it the Most
Back-to-school season is usually accompanied by a spirit of optimism — and advocates have a reason to be hopeful. Bolstered by resources from COVID-19 relief funding, system leaders have a…
7 Questions to Ask Your District Leader About Where ARP Funds Are Going
Many students are returning to school after long-term school building closures. As a result, many advocates and families are concerned about children’s physical health as well as their social, emotional,…
How The American Rescue Plan Can Help States Advance Educational Equity
The federal government has made an unprecedented investment in education. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act provides almost $130 billion for education, and the amount of funding each state and…
Let’s Not Forget About English Learners: Targeting Resources From the American Rescue Plan for Their Needs
School districts are currently faced with a tremendous opportunity: to determine how to use over $125 billion of federal funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act to ensure students…
Action Guide: Targeting Resources from the American Rescue Plan to Address the Needs of English Learners
For more than 15 months, students, families, and educators across the country have been adjusting to new ways of…
Recommendations for State Leaders to Advance Equity Using Funds from the American Rescue Plan
The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted education for all students, but has hit students from vulnerable and systemically neglected populations…