Why We Need the Department of Education
Here are several reasons why eliminating the Department of Education is a foolish and destructive idea.
Student Loan Payments Are Restarting. Here’s What Borrowers Need to Know
This month, federal student loan repayment is restarting for 43 million Americans. The student loan system is coming back online at a time when record-high inflation has dramatically increased the…
The Education Trust’s Comment on the Department of Education’s Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Student Debt Cancellation
July 20, 2023 Vanessa Gomez, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 2C179 Washington, DC 20202 RE: [Docket ID ED-2023-OPE-0123] Download Comments On behalf of The Education Trust,…
5 Ways the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan Can Help Student Loan Borrowers
Last week, the Biden administration announced that 804,000 borrowers will have over $39 million in federal student debt cancelled as a result of the income-driven repayment (IDR) plan account adjustment.…
The Education Trust’s Comment on the Department of Education’s Proposed Improvements to Income-Driven Repayment
February 10, 2023 Richard Blasen Office of Postsecondary Education U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave., SW Washington, DC 20202 RE: Improving Income-Driven Repayment for the William D. Ford Federal…
Income-Driven Repayment Plans Fail Black Borrowers
Approximately 43 million Americans collectively owe $1.6 trillion in federal student loan debt, but this debt is not borne…
Civil Rights Principles for Student Loan Debt Cancellation
The $1.7 trillion student loan crisis is crushing individuals, families, and our economy, and the weight of this burden is disproportionately borne by women and Black and Latino 1 borrowers. 2 This did not…
Joint Letter from 66 Advocacy Organizations to House and Senate Leadership Calling for Student Debt Forgiveness
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House United States House of Representatives H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Mitch McConnell Majority Leader United States Senate 317 Russell…