Topic: Awareness Campaigns

Teaching an Accurate and Honest History Could Make America Great

article-cropped February 28, 2025 by Sharif El-Mekki

Only highlighting America’s triumphs isn’t patriotic. To truly love a country, we must see it and know US history for what it truly is

Can’t Be Erased Campaign Toolkit

November 19, 2024 by EdTrust

At the state and local level, decision-makers across the country continue to issue book bans and look for other means to restrict students’ access to honest history and a diversity of voices.

Imagine What’s Possible When We Reimagine Education

article-cropped September 11, 2024 by Denise Forte

EdTrust imagines a future where all students are giving the resources to reach their full potential, and their academic success benefits our nation.

EduReimagined: EdTrust’s Vision of Education Equity

August 13, 2024 by EdTrust

EdTrust envisions a nation where education is a priority, and our collective goal is to ensure every student — regardless of race, identity, or economic background — can achieve excellence.

Why We Launched the New York Campaign for Early Literacy

article-cropped February 14, 2024 by Jeff Smink

The Campaign for Early Literacy, with more than 80 partners, promotes the science of reading for children in New York.

Sow, Nurture, Thrive: Cultivating Inclusion from Pre-K to College

September 11, 2023 by EdTrust

Social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) addresses the whole child/student, which means taking a holistic approach to supporting students within a positive school climate that creates learning spaces where students feel emotionally and mentally safe to be their authentic selves.

Florida Social Studies Standards Are a Slap in the Face of Honest American History

article-cropped August 10, 2023 by Allison Rose Socol, Ph.D.

I was dismayed to learn that in my home state of Florida, the state board of education unanimously approved new social studies standards for K-12 students, which have sparked criticism…

Can’t Be Erased

July 17, 2023 by EdTrust

In recent years, there has been an overwhelming push toward the erasure of important aspects of American history when it comes to issues of race and identity from school curricula across the country.

Censorship is About Power, Not People

article-cropped March 22, 2023 by Ameshia Cross

Amid the fierce debate surrounding what should and should not be taught in classrooms, some far-right-leaning lawmakers have introduced legislation and taken significant steps to limit educators’ ability to discuss…