Why Queer Faculty Diversity Matters in Higher Education
On college campuses, queer faculty diversity is integral to supporting LGBTQ+ student, staff, and faculty mental health.
Faculty Diversity and Mentors of Color Are Keys to Success for Black Women in Graduate School
For Black women, faculty diversity is essential to foster a sense of belonging and leads to them finishing their graduate degrees.
The Difficult Pathway to Faculty Diversity, by the Numbers
No one becomes a professor overnight, especially a tenured one. Having a doctorate or a professional degree is a prerequisite to become a postsecondary teacher, so few even reach the…
What Isn’t Talked About When We Talk About Latinos
Working as an administrator in an elementary school in the Bronx was a formative experience for me, as it was my first time working in an organization that was largely…
Faculty Diversity and Student Success Go Hand in Hand, So Why Are University Faculties So White?
Faculty diversity plays a key role in college student completion and can have a major impact on students’ sense…
Faculty Diversity Plays a Central Role in College Completion
Yet Despite an Increasingly Diverse Student Population, Colleges Aren’t Meeting the Moment The Education Trust releases new report on faculty diversity and student success WASHINGTON – The U.S. population is…
Joint Testimony from Education Advocates to Texas Senate Education Committee Hearing on Teacher Workforce Interim Charges
To: Chairman Larry Taylor CC: Vice Chair Eddie Lucio, Jr., Sen. Paul Bettencourt, Sen. Donna Campbell, Sen. Pat Fallon, Sen. Bob Hall, Sen. Bryan Hughes, Sen. Angela Paxton, Sen. Beverly…
Nuestras historias, nuestras luchas, nuestras fortalezas
Los Estados Unidos está atravesando un cambio cultural diverso y el personal docente se está quedando rezagado: si bien…