College and Career Readiness District-Level Policy Scan
This scan is intended to guide conversations with district board members and administration leaders to ensure their policies and practices lead to ...
District Budget Woes Likely Means School Closures: Here’s What Advocates Need to Know
With school now in session, some school districts that are struggling financially — largely due to the drying up of federal pandemic funds, higher costs, and lower student enrollment — have been deciding…
Improving Student Access to Empowering, Rigorous Content Webinar Series
Empowering our nation’s students to become well-rounded individuals — equipped to navigate the complexities of our world, contribute to an inclusive society, and achieve their own biggest dreams — starts…
The Search for More Complex Racial and Ethnic Representation in Grade School Books
In a study of 300 children's books, Ed Trust identified large disparities in characters and topics describing White people vs. people of color in curricula
What Advocates Should Know About the ESSER Fiscal Cliff
Did you know that the federal ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) stimulus funds for public K-12 schools are running out soon? The deadline for spending down the funds…
Advocating for Education Equity as ESSER Spending Winds Down
New Ed Trust brief on how school emergency relief fund investments can have long-term, positive outcomes for underserved students.
Baton Rouge Youth Voice Initiative Returns: Pivotal Student Listening Series for Education
Contact: Lauren-Brianna Fields Communications Director (225) 290-6530 Download PDF Baton Rouge Alliance for Students and The Education Trust in Louisiana Partner to Elevate Youth Voices in Education…
Refocusing on Resource Equity Provisions in ESSA Can Spur School Improvement Efforts
As our advocate partners know well, students of color and students from low-income backgrounds are significantly more likely to attend schools with fewer resources than their White, more affluent peers.…