Topic: Pathways to College & Careers

Why Closing Gaps in Graduation Rates Requires a Focus on Enrollment

article-cropped March 01, 2017 by Nicolle Grayson

If every college and university closed the gap that exists in graduation rates between Black and White students on their campuses, there would still be a gap nationwide. That’s because…

A Tale of Two Colleges: Similar Students and Different Results

article-cropped February 09, 2017 by Andrew Howard Nichols

As the college admission letters start to trickle in, young adults across the country are facing one of the largest investment choices of their lives: where to go to college.…

Rising Tide II: Do Black Students Benefit as Grad Rates Increase?

files March 23, 2016 by Andrew Howard Nichols, Kimberlee Eberle-Sudre, Meredith Welch