The Power of Perception: A Tale of Two Different Educational Experiences
To address inequities within student discipline, schools must move away from zero-tolerance discipline systems, which are not responsive to students
Unfair Punishments: How School Discipline Disproportionately Targets Students with Disabilities
The failure of discipline systems violates the rights of students with disabilities and leads to injustices in education outcomes.
Vibe Check: Creating & Sustaining Positive, Inviting School Environments
A webinar series showcasing how to effectively allocate resources in order to create more inclusive learning environments for students.
Arts in Restorative Justice Programs
Students need sufficient support; implementing restorative justice may be the key to unlock student success.
Sounding the Alarm on Black Girls and School Discipline
Black girls are more likely to be disciplined than white girls—accounting for 37% of in-school suspensions.
Community Mobilization Guide
EdTrust reached out to Measure for guidance on how to implement a community-led approach to evaluating and addressing challenges with Dallas Independent School District’s (Dallas ISD) disciplinary practices.
Avoiding The Talk: A Closer Look at Educator Influence on Racial Disparities in School Discipline
Newly released CRDC data showcases a troubling reality within our nation’s schools: racial disparities in school discipline.
What the Most Recent CRDC Can Tell Us About Student Discipline
What the most recent CRDC can tell us about student discipline and school climate inequity.
It’s Time for a Federal Ban on Hair Discrimination
In the summer of my senior year, my private school updated its dress codes and introduced a ban on the use of head wraps, except for religious purposes. This new…