Better Disability Representation Means More Accessible Representation
Books with disabled, neurodivergent, or autistic characters are often stereotypes. Students need more accessible representation.
Introducing Our Graduate Student Advisory Council
Announcing the formation of our Graduate Student Advisory Council to support our work on race, disability, and equity.
Focusing on the Intersection of Race, Disability, and Equity
EdTrust announces a yearlong line of work on race, disability, and equity that will cover students of color in special education.
How the Build Back Better Act Will Help Children With Disabilities and Delays
Amid all the disruption to in-person learning due to the pandemic, it’s time to focus on students with disabilities, which account for nearly 8 million youth, birth through age 21.…
Increasing Equity in Early Intervention
Early intervention is the key to setting children with delays and disabilities on a path to long-term success. Yet children of color face barriers to accessing these services.
Building Bridges to Make Equity Accessible for Students with Learning Disabilities
John B. King Jr. provided opening keynote remarks at the Learning Disabilities Association of America’s annual conference. This year, the conference theme focused on “Making Equity Accessible.” Introduction – Building…