Category: Higher Education

A Toolkit for Advancing College Opportunity for Justice-Impacted Students – Michigan

compass March 08, 2022 by Jessie Hernandez-Reyes, Taylar Nuevelle, Kayla C. Elliott, Satra Taylor

A Toolkit for Advancing College Opportunity for Justice-Impacted Students – Illinois

compass March 08, 2022 by Christopher Garcia, Mysia Perry, Kayla C. Elliott, Satra Taylor

How Higher Ed Funding Can Promote Positive Campus Racial Climates

article-cropped July 09, 2021 by Anna Hyunah Byon

Student activists have long fought for campuses and communities that are safe, diverse, and inclusive. Some institutions of higher education have responded to their call. At the same time, 26…

What Proposition 16 Means for Higher Education in California

article-cropped October 28, 2020 by Lawrence Haynes, Yvonne Muñoz

Voters are heading to the polls in droves, not only to elect the next president, but in California, to decide on Proposition 16. This would remove the ban on affirmative…