The Future of Statewide Summative Assessments

Statewide summative assessments are an essential tool to achieve education equity.

compass April 24, 2024 by EdTrust
students in a classroom discussing schoolwork

Statewide summative assessments are an essential tool to achieve education equity. Because these are the only tests that students take that produce data that is comparable across individual students, student groups, schools, and districts within a state, these federally required assessments serve several purposes:

  • Allow education leaders to target state and local resources to the students and schools with the greatest need and track whether these resources are impacting student achievement
  • Support educators in making annual shifts in instructional plans
  • Provide families and caregivers with a clear signal of how their child is achieving against grade-level standards, which is especially important in an era of rising grade inflation, which affects parent and family perceptions that often overstate how schools are meeting the needs of their student

Despite the importance of statewide assessments, research by EdTrust and others clearly shows that many state and district leaders, educators, students, and families find assessments to be overburdensome and unfair and don’t provide data that is timely or actionable. Statewide summative assessments are supposed to aid school improvement by providing a clear understanding of how schools are currently supporting student learning. To keep that promise, policymakers and test vendors must make targeted improvements to their assessments to increase their utility and value, thus alleviating the concerns of these important stakeholders.

Based on our research, EdTrust has developed four equity pillars that center our values and identify criteria for improving assessment policy:

  1. Pillar 1 – Ensure Consistent, High Expectations for Student Success
  2. Pilar 2 – Encourage Relevant, Inclusive Assessments
  3. Pillar 3 – Provide Timely, Actionable, and Easily Accessible Results
  4. Pillar 4 – Make Assessment Results Meaningful

EdTrust believes that states should be focused on making assessments more racially and culturally inclusive, building reporting structures that foster an understanding of student results and collaboration with families and educators, and redesigning assessments systems to provide educators with instructionally relevant data throughout the school year. While any of these efforts can be pursued individually, we encourage advocates and policymakers to consider how to address these goals simultaneously and in a coordinated, coherent manner.

Both federal and state policymakers have key roles to play in driving needed improvements to statewide summative assessments. Our work is focused on providing advocates with the tools and information needed to push for these changes in their communities.

Looking for a summary of the report series and EdTrust’s recommendations for state advocates and federal policymakers?

State Level Summary and Recommendations

Federal Level Summary and Recommendations

Future of Assessments

The anchor paper for this work, Future of Assessments: Centering Equity and the Lived Experiences of Students, Families, and Educators presents findings from a series of focus groups, the equity pillars outlined above, and recommendations for how federal policy can support improvements in assessments, including in an eventual reauthorization of ESSA.

Read the Report

Advocates’ Guide to Demanding Racially and Culturally Inclusive State Assessments

Current state assessments are designed to eliminate questions that involve cultural topics and themes with the goal of eliminating bias. However, this approach ignores the fundamental impossibility of removing culture from learning and in the process defaults to centering white cultural norms. State advocates can encourage states and vendors to develop items and practices in alignment with EdTrust recommendations based on emerging work in the field and best practices in inclusive curriculum and pedagogy, along with a suite of advocacy tools.

Read the Report

Advocacy Tools

Messaging guidance for supportive political environments

Messaging guidance for anti-DEI environments

EveryAction letter to state leaders, customized by state

Making Assessment Reports More Meaningful for Students and Families

Our focus groups revealed that families have a difficult time both accessing and understanding reports of individual student results on state assessments. As a result, individual score reports remain largely underutilized, and seldom considered as a primary resource for families. We provide best practices for developing better reports and how to situate the results within the broader systems and engagement opportunities that parents depend on for trusted communication about their child’s academic performance and progress.

Read the Report

Advocacy Tool

Model interactive student assessment report

5 Things Every Equity Advocate Should Know About Through-Year Assessments

The timing and design of current end-of-year summative assessments do not provide educators or school and district leaders with data that can inform instruction or important resource allocation decisions during the school year. For this reason, many states are turning to through-year assessments, which consist of several subtests administered throughout the school year. These assessments offer a promising way to evaluate students’ knowledge, skills, and progress over the course of the year and help align assessments with curricula. In this brief, EdTrust highlights five key things advocates should consider when making the case for through-year assessments, including how this innovative assessment model can promote more equitable opportunities for students and address the concerns of families, educators, and administrators about traditional statewide summative assessments.

Read the Report

Designing Equitable Through-Year Assessments

This accompanying resource to “5 Things Every Equity Advocate Should Know About Through-Year Assessments” highlights crucial technical considerations for advocates and state administrators and provides state-level policymakers, administrators, and advocates with detailed guidance on developing and implementing a through-year assessment model in a way that centers on equity.

Read the Report

Data for Equity

A research study, conducted in partnership with the Collaborative for Student Success and National Parents Union, includes focus groups examining how district leaders are using the results to inform decisions and how they engage parents around the results, and a national poll of parents about their views on assessments and their preferences about being engaged about the results. Administrators said they’re using data to better allocate resources where they’re needed, while parents are largely supportive of assessments, but said they aren’t being engaged by school districts about how the data is being used.

Read the report

Parent support for statewide assessments

Parents want to hear more about assessment data