A School Environment Can Positively (or Negatively) Affect a Student’s Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. For some time, educators have known that more focus should be placed on the social emotional wellbeing of students — the whole child —…
INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Facts About Affirmative Action
Like it or not, the hard truth is that America has a long history of discrimination against people of color and women, who have systemically been denied access to voting…
How Does Texas Support Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)?
Social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) is a holistic approach to supporting students' development and learning that is integral…
School Hardening Can Harm Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
The Education Trust Outlines Key Policies that Federal, State, and Local Education Leaders Can Take to Implement Fair and Positive Student Discipline Practices WASHINGTON — Amid a pandemic-era surge in school…
How School Discipline Impacts Students’ Social, Emotional and, Academic Development (SEAD)
Last year, Mississippi schools used corporal punishment 4,300 times — and the impact affects more than the students experiencing…
How Does Louisiana Support Student’s Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)?
This brief highlights how Louisiana is supporting students’ SEAD and areas for growth across six policy issues, as well as questions to ask district leaders about local implementation.
Black Joy Consortium for Reimagining Education 2023 Platform Priorities
The Black Joy Consortium is aligned to a vision for a reimagined education system that fully prepares Black students…
4 Ways Education Leaders Can Respond to Anti-Black Rhetoric
From about 1925-1961, Nannie Helen Burroughs, an educator and activist who started her own school in Washington, DC, required her students to take both an oral and written Black history…
House passes Parents Bill of Rights Act, giving parents control of children’s education
The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday passed the Parents Bill of Rights Act, which would grant parents more control over their children’s education. If the U.S. Senate also passes the legislation…