Every student in America deserves to have access to a high-quality and culturally relevant curriculum, coursework, books, and other materials in order to perform at their maximum potential. The majority of today’s K-12 student body is racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse, and students thrive when they feel seen.
Ed Trust’s P-12 practice team works to improve both rigor and representation in curricula — to ensure that educators give students rigorous assignments aligned to grade-level standards and that the stories students read reflect the richness of student diversity and experiences.
Curriculum Project & Tool for Representational Balance
- A Transparent Attempt to Divide Parents From Their Children’s Schools
- Empowering, Rigorous Content (Alliance for Resource Equity)
- Diverse Classrooms & Schools (Alliance for Resource Equity)
Teaching Honest History
- Teaching Honest History
- Black History is American History: How Juneteenth Highlights the Necessity of Critical Race Theory & Anti-Racist Teaching
- Teachers Shouldn’t Have to Be Afraid to Teach Honest History
- The Urgency of Anti-Racist Classrooms