
College Results Online has been updated with the most recent data from the federal government (2012-13), giving you even more information to compare in this one-stop shop tool. At — now in its 10th year of compiling and sharing critical information on colleges across the country — you can select nearly any four-year college or university and compare its graduation rate with that of similar institutions serving similar students. You can also find:

  • Graduation rates by students’ race, ethnicity, and gender;
  • Data on price and financial aid, including average net-price for low-income students and now the percent of undergraduates borrowing federal aid;
  • Updated indicators for colleges in the bottom 5 percent of graduation rates for four-year colleges nationwide and in the bottom 5 percent of working-class and low-income student enrollment; and
  • An advanced search function to find colleges by state, costs, student outcomes, and more.

For more information on how to make the most of College Results Online, watch our video tutorial!