EduReimagined: EdTrust’s Vision of Education Equity
EdTrust envisions a nation where education is a priority, and our collective goal is to ensure every student — regardless of race, identity, or economic background — can achieve excellence.
How Summer Programs Can Boost Unfinished Learning
Summer school is a great opportunity for students to catch up on the learning loss caused by the pandemic.
EdTrust in Louisiana Nationally Recognized for Their Commitment to Louisiana Students & Families
EdTrust in Louisiana receives the Excellence in Education Award and the Zakim Award.
EdTrust IPEDS Data Collection Comment
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Juneteenth was Freedom, Education is Power
Juneteenth is reminder that education is deeply intertwined with the legacy of slavery.
Advancing Equity through Informed Advocacy: A Commitment to Data Governance and Security
EdTrust’s commitment to robust data governance and security emerges as a cornerstone of responsible advocacy.
Profile in Education Equity: Julia Zammith, Policy and Advocacy Manager, Rodel
A manager at a Delaware nonprofit explains what education equity means to her and what motivates her to advocate for it.
Why Districts Should Focus on High-Impact Tutoring Interventions as ESSER Funding Ends
High-dosage or high-impact tutoring can be an effective use of ESSER pandemic relief funds for school districts. Learn why.
Higher Education Emergency Aid in Texas
An EdTrust in Texas deep dive into the pandemic funding awarded to postsecondary students and recommendations moving forward.