Team Member

Hailee B. Roye, Student Member

Message Hailee B. Roye, Student Member

Hailee B. Roye, Student Member

Vanderbilt University

Hailee B. Roye is a recent graduate of Tennessee State University with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She’s currently a Pre-K teacher at Ross Early Learning Center and will be attending Vanderbilt University this fall to get her Master’s degree in education policy. Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania she is the oldest of three children and a first-generation college student. With her desire to produce nothing but excellence she strives to make in impact in both her own life and the community around her.  

With a  burning desire to create change and to lift others as she climbs. As a future educator she wants to fight for equity and equality for youth , specifically for minorities. Post-graduation, she plans to attend Graduate School for Educational Policy. Hailee’s end goal is to become an education lawyer. With this platform she plans to represent educational organizations and institutions making sure all students are accounted for and provided with the right tools, opportunities, and resources to succeed.  Her capability to rise to an occasion and be the voice for so many others who are not heard, gives her the motivation to continue her work.  With her head held high and mind focused she is determined to make a change in our world.