
Curious about what’s in the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, the new education law that replaced No Child Left Behind?

Check out our new video that highlights six key components of ESSA that are intended to increase opportunities for learning and improve outcomes for all groups of students.


The six components are:

  1. Consistent standards for each state that set clear expectations for what students need to know and be able to do at each grade level.
  2. Statewide assessments that measure students’ yearly progress toward reaching standards across grades, schools, and districts.
  3. State accountability systems that set clear expectations for schools to improve outcomes for all groups of students, and prompt action when any group of students is consistently underperforming.
  4. Public reporting of progress that provides clear and detailed information about how schools are doing with all groups of students.
  5. Access to high-quality teachers for all students.
  6. Continued targeting of federal funding to the highest poverty schools and districts.

ESSA presents an opportunity for educators, families, state policymakers and advocates to take action to ensure that all of our nation’s young people, particularly those who have been historically underserved by our education system, receive the education they need—and deserve.

For even more information on the opportunities ESSA presents, read our fact sheets.